Guest Speakers’s Bios

Ramla Bédoui is Lector at Yale University and was previously Visiting Assistant Professor at Connecticut College. She took her Ph.D. from the Université de Paris-Sorbonne with a dissertation titled “La construction de la mémoire collective dans les œuvres de Charles Baudelaire et de Stéphane Mallarmé. De l’acte de discours à l’inachèvement et à la fragmentation [Constructing Collective Memory in the Work of Charles Baudelaire and Stéphane Mallarmé. From Speech Acts to Incompletion and Fragmentation]. She also holds a Masters in “Literature, Philology and History of the Arab and Muslim World.” Her areas of research are Baudelaire, Mallarmé, francophonie, and the Maghreb. Her most recent publication is “Les noces obscures de la lecture chez Mallarmé et l’intervention marchalienne” in Une Transparence du regard adéquat (Hermann, 2023).

Howard Bloch is Sterling Professor of French and Humanities.  His most recent book is Paris and Her Cathedrals (Norton, 2022).

Laurent Dubreuil is a Professor of Romance Studies, Comparative Literature, and Cognitive Science at Cornell University, as well as the IWLC International Professor of Transcultural Theory at Tsinghua University.

Paul Grimstad is Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Humanities major at Yale. He has written extensively on nineteenth-century American (and occasionally French) literature.

Michèle Hannoosh is Professor of French at the University of Michigan. A specialist in nineteenth-century literature, art, and society, she has written on topics such as parody, Decadence, the city, caricature, photography, autobiography, Orientalism, historiography, the Mediterranean, and the history and theory of modernity. She has published seven books, including Baudelaire and Caricature: From the Comic to an Art of Modernity and the now standard French edition of Delacroix’s Journal. Recent books include Jules Michelet: Writing Art and History in Nineteenth-Century France and a translation of Delacroix’s Journey to the Maghreb and Andalusia (both Penn State, 2019).

Elissa Marder is Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Emory University where she is also affiliated with the departments of Philosophy and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies and the Program in Psychoanalytic Studies. Her publications include: Dead Time: Temporal Disorders in the Wake of Modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert) (Stanford University Press, 2001); The Mother in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Psychoanalysis, Photography, Deconstruction (Fordham University Press, 2012); Time for Baudelaire (Poetry, Theory, History), eds. E.S. Burt, Elissa Marder, Kevin Newmark. Yale French Studies vol. 125/126 (Spring, 2014); Literature and Psychoanalysis: Open Questions, ed. Elissa Marder. Paragraph Volume 40; Issue 3 (November, 2017). She is currently working on several new projects, including a book on Baudelaire tentatively titled Poetry by Other Means: Baudelaire’s Photographic Poetics.  Several recent essays related to that book have been published in differencesNineteenth-Century French Studies, and Yale French Studies.

Maurice Samuels is the Betty Jane Anlyan Professor of French and Chair of the Department of French at Yale University, where he also directs the Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism. A specialist of nineteenth-century French literature and culture, he is the author most recently of The Betrayal of the Duchess (Basic Books, 2020), a study of modern France’s first antisemitic affair. His new biography of Alfred Dreyfus will be published by Yale University Press in their Jewish Lives Series in February 2024.

Andrea Schellino, who obtained a PhD at Sorbonne Université, is Associate Professor of French literature at Roma Tre University and co-head of “Groupe Baudelaire” at ITEM (Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes) in Paris (ENS-CNRS). In 2020, he published La Pensée de la décadence de Baudelaire à Nietzsche (Classiques Garnier) and is now co-directing the new edition of Baudelaire’s complete works in Gallimard’s “Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.”

Patrick Thériault is Associate Professor in the Department of French at the University of Toronto. His training is in both philosophy (MA) and literature (MA, PhD), and his main research interests lie in Symbolism, broadly defined. He has published about thirty journal articles, one monograph on Mallarmé (Le (dé)montage impie de la Fiction: la révélation moderne de Mallarmé, Champion, 2010), and has edited and co-edited several collections of essays. He is currently preparing a book on the “tout dernier” Baudelaire, as well as a special issue on poetry and satire in the nineteenth century, with Adrien Cavallaro.

Seth Whidden is Professor of French Literature at the University of Oxford and the Roger Pearson Fellow in French at The Queen’s College, Oxford. His research focuses on questions of subjectivity, authority, collaboration, parody, reading, and form in poetry of the nineteenth century. His most recent publication is Reading Baudelaire’s Le Spleen de Paris and the Nineteenth-Century Prose Poem (Oxford UP, 2022). Current projects include a co-directed critical edition of Le Parnasse contemporain (1866) and a study of the relationship between prosopopoeia and the lyric. He has been Editor of the scholarly journal Nineteenth-Century French Studies since 2014.

Catherine Witt is a Professor of French and Film and Media Studies at Reed College. Her research centers on philological imagination, intermediality, and translation as sources for the renewal of poetic forms in French poetry. Her publications include Poets as Readers in Nineteenth-Century France (imlr books, 2015), Ententes – à partir d’Hélène Cixous (Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2018), a special issue of French Screen Studies on “Ethics of Care in Documentary Film after 1968” (February 2022), and the first book-length study on poet and playwright Louisa Siefert (Honoré Champion, 2024). She is currently completing a book on poet-translators in nineteenth-century France.